HMC Peas
Quality is OUR Passion

Why Peas?
Peas are a great healthy addition to any meal. In the UK they are grown to the highest standards and HMC are proud to be top quality Red Tractor assured producers of peas. Some of our growers also have Leaf Marque and M&S Field to Fork accreditation.
Peas are a great source of vitamin A, C, Folate, thiamine (B1), iron and phosphorus. They are rich in protein, carbohydrate and fibre and are low in fat!
Half a cup of frozen peas has only 5% of the daily value for sodium and foods low in sodium are good for your heart.
To find out more about healthy eating visit this the eat-well guide website.
As well as being a great addition to any meal, peas offer farmers a great break in a rotation, are a nitrogen fixing crop and also allow for an early harvest with the potential of a following crop in the same year.
Become a member
At HMC we are always looking to expand our area of crops. Vining peas are a very valuable break crop in a sustainable crop rotation.
Vining peas are a relatively low input crop that fix their own nitrogen and leave a significant supply available to the following crop (SNS).
Vining peas allow a good entry for a following crop as they are harvested relatively early in the season (mid-June - mid-August). Vegetable and bulb growers have the chance to follow straight behind - allowing double cropping. They also allow a good entry for winter wheat or potatoes in the following spring, allowing time for any subsoiling and primary cultivations to be carried out in optimum conditions.
 HMC supply the seed and can offer a contracting drilling service. We supply general agronomy advice and can offer a full agronomy service throughout the growing season.
 HMC harvest and market the crop on behalf of its members and offer competitive financial returns.
We require highly skilled and quality growers who farm on ideally silt soils within 40 minutes from Kings Lynn. 
If you want to inquire about becoming a member please click here 

We aren't very good at providing news on our website, but don't worry!
Our Twitter feed is much better! See what we are up to all year round and follow our progress through the busy harvest season.
We are also on Instagram!
You can follow us too if you want!